Mahogany Obsidian Tumbled Crystals
Obsidian is a powerful grounding stone that's commonly known to give wearers the strength needed to stand on their own convictions against any enemy, protecting its owners. Many use it in times of need, to remove energy blocks and give new life to purposes and goals. Healers use it to relieve pain and improve circulation. Obsidian is also considered to be useful for those suffering from depression or addiction. Mahogany obsidian, in particular, is said to increase sexuality and sensuality, most notably the sense of touch.
Obsidian reminds us that birth and death are simultaneously and constantly present, and has always been associated with guardian spirits that watch over us. Throughout history people drew on that protective power in the weaponry they made from obsidian. It's sometimes called "the stone of truth" because it encourages the surfacing of secrets and hidden emotions.