Howlite Tumbled Crystals
Soft, soothing, and ever ready to tempt you back off the emotional ledge, Howlite is all about tempering the storm. This creamy white stone sometimes shot with silver veins is also known as White Buffalo, Sacred Buffalo, White Turquoise, Kaolinite, Lapis Howlite, and by its more scientific edged name of Silico Boro Calcite. Howlite is known to be a borate mineral, it can be mined in wild nodule shapes and blooms that appear similar to the cauliflower. As a form of Calcium Borosilicate Hydroxide, it measures around a 2.5 to a 3.5 on the Mohs hardness scale meaning that it’s a relatively soft stone.
Howlite with its highly attuned every and purist snow-white color schemes oozes compassion and sensitivity. Whether by name or nature, it’s a healing crystal that seems to be gifted in the spiritual department. It was first discovered by Henry How back in 1868. How was a Canadian chemist and a mineralogist and he named Howlite Silico-Boro-Calcite. The stone found its more poetic title when the geologist James Dwight Dana (another mineralogist) renamed it sometime after. Howlite has been mined across many corners of the earth, it has been uncovered in Nova Scotia up in Canada, but can also be found in the USA, Germany, Namibia, Pakistan, Turkey, Russia, and the warmer shores of Mexico.
Howlite has been named the Imitation Stone, as sometimes dealers would dye the snowy hues a different color to make it look like Turquoise. While adaptable in color, Howlite doesn’t need to imitate anyone as it is its own unique special stone with a whole host of beautiful healing properties.
Howlite is a stone of patience and perspective, for those who feel they need to slow it down, absorb, and clear the constant stream of chatter from the mind, it’s a crystal that marries you to a more mindful way of life.